Simpósio - Semiplenárias




Andrés Cantarero
(Universidad de Valencia. Espanha)
Raman scattering applied to materials research
Lluis F. Marsal
(Nanoelectronics and Photonics Systems Research Group. Espanha)
Application of the photonic properties of 3D-nanostructured porous anodic alumina to biosensing
Matthias Thommes
(Quantachrome Corporation. Florida, USA)
Physical adsorption: A powerful tool for the advanced textural characterization of nanoporous materials
Michael Sailor
(University of California. San Diego, USA)
Harnessing Silicon Nanoparticles for Medicine... assisting the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, infections and eye diseases
Roberto Salvarezza
(Director de INIFTA - Presidente de CONICET. La Plata, Argentina)
Nanopartículas metálicas protegidas por tioles: estructura y química superficial
Guillermo Venturuzzi
(Vicepresidente de la Fundación Argentina de Nanotecnología. Argentina)
Charla institucional
David Comedi
(Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Argentina)
Ajuste de propiedades y manipulación de nanohilos de ZnO